Wednesday, October 19

Easy warm-up

This refashion is not that difficult, easy to be made, adjusted and modified. I had this small size stripy cardigan, which was already damaged by a few tiny stains, but hey, all in good quality! (Of course, I forgot to take BEFORE picture AGAIN...). So I tea dyed it and here we go - ready for refashion!

I did my favourite upside down, cut, cut, cut, and I ended up with torzo part being made into miniskirt and sleeves into leg warmers.

I used overlock machine to make stitching stronger. The shape of the original cardigan allowed me to cut it only into miniskirt, but I managed to cut it in rounded shape. I added jersey cotton ruffle at the bottom, as the plain overlock stitch didn't look that great in this case.

The leg warmers were made as well easily, from sleeves, and adjusted to my measurements.

All in all, nothing hard to make, but good chance for my old cardi to stay with me a bit longer.


  1. I love this idea so much I will copy ! great job!

  2. Thanks, it's really not that hard and the outcome is worth it! Looking forward to see your version!
